Thursday, October 31, 2019
Jehovah Witnessess feelings about receiving blood and how it should be Research Paper
Jehovah Witnessess feelings about receiving blood and how it should be handled with a minor child in a life or death situation - Research Paper Example The insistence of Jehovahs Witness parents in refusing blood transfusions for their children can be viewed in the larger context of alternative religious beliefs and their effect on medical treatment. Many people in contemporary society are guided by religious beliefs which prohibit them from accessing medical care in favor of spiritual healing (Catalano, 2010, p. 157). Whilst adults have the right to refuse medical treatment, their behavior becomes controversial when they refuse medical treatment for their ill children (Catalano, 2010, p. 157). The decision to refuse medical treatment to children may necessitate intervention by the State in cases when children suffer from serious illnesses (Catalano, 2010, p. 157). Many Constitutional issues are raised by this situation, such as religious freedom, the right to privacy, and fundamental liberty issues related to parenting (Catalano, 2010, p. 157). In such cases the Courts are forced to decide between the religious liberty of the paren ts and the States interest in protecting the lives of minors (Catalano, 2010, p. 158). This matter if particularly controversial because no matter what the outcome of, somebodys rights are infringed (Catalano, 2010, p. 158). In some cases government intervention is secured too late and the childs life is lost (Catalano, 2010, p. 158). Between 1975 and 1995, 172 children died because they were denied medical care for religious reasons (Catalano, 2010, p. 158). The State must balance the interests of religious parents and their innocent children, respecting the welfare and autonomy of both parties. A fundamental concern of the state is the protection of the welfare of children, one for which it may intervene when it is absolutely necessary (Catalano, 2010, p. 159). Despite this fundamental concern, the United States gives parents ample autonomy to raise their children in the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Red Bull Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Red Bull - Essay Example Red Bull founded after an Asian locally-brewed tonic in Thailand now markets its eponymous functional energy drink in more than 100 countries. (Wikipedia) Red Bull is a non-alcoholic drink contains the amino acid taurine, B-complex vitamins, caffeine and carbohydrates. Red Bull claims that the body needs more taurine, an amino acid than is produced normally during the physical exertion of the human body. The drink has grown quickly worldwide capturing about 80 percent of the world's energy drink market. Although the company is of Austrian origin, the recipe for the drink Red Bull is said to come from Thailand. (Red Bull Company Profile- Yahoo Finance) The berry-flavored beverage is spiked with additives like taurine and glucuronolactone. And at $2 for an 8.3-ounce can, Red Bull's retail price is at least double what you'd pay for a 12-ounce can of Coke. But it does pack some energy. Red Bull, with 80 milligrams of caffeine, has more than double the dose found in the larger Coke serving, and it has 110 calories per serving versus Coke's 140.The consumption of Red Bull was 1.9 billion cans of in the year 2004, generating just about $2 billion in revenue. In some countries Red Bull commands an 80% market share. In the U.S., where Red Bull enjoys a 47% share of the energy drink market, sales are growing annually at a 40% clip. In the year 2004 it sold 700 million cans in the U.S.; and in 2005 it hoped to sell 1 billion. (Kerry A. Dolan 2005) Customers: Red Bull is popular with college student and nightclubbers, whom the company aggressively targets. But its most public tactic has been to wrap the drink in the sweaty mantle of extreme sports. To that end, Red Bull sponsors its own stunts and competitions in relatively obscure disciplines like street luge, waterfall kayaking, and freeskiing. (Rob Walker 2002) Marketing: Since introducing Red Bull in 1987, Red Bull has invested heavily in building the brand. In 2004 the company spent $600 million, or 30% of revenue, on marketing. (Coca-Cola spends 9%.) But unlike rivals who pay millions of dollars for superstars like Britney Spears, Red Bull relies on cheaper talent: hip youngsters, students and a legion of fringe athletes. Red Bull sponsors some 500 athletes around the world, the type who will surf in Nova Scotia in January or jump out of a plane to "fly" across the English Channel. Every year the company stages dozens of extreme sporting events, like the climbing of iced-down silos in Iowa or kite sailing in Hawaii, as well as cultural events like break-dancing contests and rock music jam sessions. Then there is Hangar-7, an eye-popping structure of glass and steel that the company Red Bull erected next to the airport in Salzburg, Austria. The building serves as a chic eatery for club crawlers and provides shelter for the Flying Bulls, a fleet of 1 5 show planes that appear at air shows around the world. Red Bull has purchased a Formula One racing team, an extravagance that will absorb $100 million a year to keep on the track while generating only $70 million in revenue. All these activities are geared to achieve the objective of expanding Red Bull's presence amid a deluge of new energy drinks being introduced by upstarts and beverage behemoths like Pepsi and Coke. (Kerry A. Dolan
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Hip hop music
Hip hop music Muziekstijl 20e eeuw HIPHOP Voorwoord Ik heb voor de muziekstijl hiphop gekozen omdat ik vind dat hier de laatste tijd de meeste aandacht naar uitgaat. Ik wil graag weten hoe de hiphop, rappers en alles eromheen was ontstaan en hoe dat is uitgegroeid tot de hiphop die we nu kennen. Geschiedenis van Hiphop. DJ Kool Herc Het hiphop verhaal begint met Kool Herc, een immigrant van Jamaicaanse afkomst. Op buurtfeesten (blockparties) intorduceerde hij het Toasting. Hij rijmde over de reggae muziek heen. Hij gebruikte hierbij twee draaitafel waarmee hij wisselde tussen verschillende liedjes, een heel ander geluid ontstond hierdoor. Het rijmen kreeg een naam: MCing, dit staat voor Master of Ceremony. Het DJ-en beviel Kool Herc wel en hij liet het rappen totaal over aan Coke Ja Rock en Clark Kent. Het eerste rapteam was geboren en ze kregen de naam: Kool Herc and the Herculoids. Kool Herc was de grondlegger van de rapmuziek, maar hij was niet de uitvinder van het scratchen. Hierbij wordt een plaat in de tegengestelde richting gedraaid en dit geeft een typisch krassend geluid wat veel wordt gebruikt in de rapmuziek. Het verhaal gaat dat Grand Wizard Theodore het scratchen per ongeluk heeft uitgevonden. Toen zijn moeder hem riep dat de muziek te hard stond, hield hij de draaiende plaat tegen en hierbij hoorde hij het scratchende geluid dat de plaat maake Evolutie van hiphop Sugarhill gang RUN DMC heeft ook nog een twee primeur op zijn naam staan, ze waren de eerste die samen een song componeerde met een rockgroep, aerosmith. Dit nummer is vrij bekend: walk this way. Hierna ging het snel met de rapmuziek, sterren volgden elkaar op en eind jaren 80 kwam er een nieuwe stijl op de markt. Het geluid was minder ruw en er werd gebruikt gemaakt van samples. Een sampler is een apparaat waarmee een stukje muziek zoals een baslijn of een drumritme apart kan worden opgenomen. In die tijd ontstonden er ook copyrights. Artiesten klaagden andere artiesten aan omdat er stukjes van hun muziek werden gebruikt. Begin jaren 90 word door velen het creatief hoogtepunt genoemd. Er ontstaan veel nieuwe groepen met een nieuwe sound. Hierbij gebruikten ze veel samples uit oude soul-, funk-, en jazzplaten, dit gaf hun producties een rustiger en artistieker geluid. Tegenwoordig is de rapmuziek een muzieksoort waarin miljarden dollars per jaar worden omgezet. Er valt veel geld te verdienen in deze industrie en daarom proberen veel nieuwe artiesten door te breken! Tegenwoordig worden veel stijlen gemixt, zoals Rap met RB of heavy metal. Sommigen vinden dat dit ten koste gaat van de muziek, omdat zij de muzieksoort liever underground houden en vinden dat de huidige hiphopcultuur niks meer te maken heeft met graffiti en breakdance. Anderen zien in de huidige en nieuwe rapmuziek een nieuwe commercià «le muziekstroming die gewoon lekker in het gehoor ligt. Waarden en normen van hiphop vroeger Orgineel is hiphop begonnen als een underground sfeer die altijd moest opboksen tegen het onbegrip van de media. Hiphoppers waren in die tijd zeer op zichzelf aangewezen. Hierdoor was het voor buitenstaanders in die tijd heel moeilijk om de hiphoppers te begrijpen. De hiphop werd praktisch door elke radiostation geweigerd en dit zorgde voor een bang tussen de hiphoppers onderling. Hiphop bevat ook altijd een boodschap, deze was meestal niet al te kleurrijk want het schetste meestal een beeld van de uitzichtloze toestand waarin de mensen in de zwarte gettos in leefden. Orginaliteit is ook een belangrijk element in de hiphop, je kan bepaalde elementen overnemen van andere artiesten, maar zorg ervoor dat je altijd je eigen stijl eraan toevoegd. Waarden en normen van hiphop nu Hiphop heeft een enorme opmars gemaakt, dankzij de commercià «le wereld is hiphop groot geworden. Hiphop werd vroeger genegeerd, maar tegenwoordig is het niet meer weg te denken uit de hitlijsten. Dit is wel ten koste gegaan van de oorspronkelijke waarden die de hiphop zo interessant maakten. De orginele band die hiphoppers met elkaar hadden, heeft plaatst moeten maken voor geld. Hiphoppers passen zich tegenwoordig vaak aan aan de consument. De oorspronkelijke waarden hebben moeten wijken voor het geld. Maatschappij In de hiphop van nu hoor je niets meer van de oorspronkelijke waarden. De teksten zijn in tegenstelling tot de eerdere hiphop inhoudsloos en de deuntjes zijn troef. Orginele nummers worden niet meer gedraaid want alles gaat op kijk- en/of luistercijfers en niet op echtheid. De nummers die duidelijke maatschappelijke meningen of zwarte statement bevatten worden achterwege gelaten, terwijl dit de hoofdwaarde van de hiphop is. Uiterlijke kenmerken van hiphop Gedrag In de hiphop draait het vooral om respect. Niet alleen respect voor jezelf, maar ook voor anderen. Dit krijg je door je skills, goed rappen of dansen, gewaagde graffiti te maken, veel van je muziek te weten of de juiste kleding te dragen. Maar ook je houding is erg belangrijk. Cool zijn, echt zijn, rustig blijven en stoer doen. Hiphop draait om originaliteit, je mag best dingen kopià «ren, maar dan moet je je eigen draai eraan geven. Je moet jouw manier van denken en verwerken in je muziek, graffiti, breakdance of iets anders. Je moet je eigen ding doen en geen kopie zijn van een ander. Het spelen met woorden, het anders dan anderen zijn. Een hiphopper is maatschappijkritisch hij heeft respect voor anderen, maar hij maakt zich niet zo druk over wat anderen van hem denken. De allereerste hiphoppers waren heel clean. Drugsgebruik en sigaretten waren taboe onder breakdancers. Maar hiphop komt van de straat en drugs raken vooral de jaren negentig snel geÃÆ'à ¯ntegreerd in de scà ¨ne. Veel hiphoppers gaan blowen en drinken alcohol. Voor veel jongeren is de hiphop een leerschool. Door hiphop ontwikkelen ze hun eigen identiteit en krijgen ze zelfvertrouwen. Hiphop geeft je de ruimte jezelf te ontdekken. Wie je bent, wat je voelt, maakt niet uit. Hiphop gebruikt wijsheden, over het leven, over de maatschappij. Het ideaal van veel hiphoppers is om van hun hiphopactiviteiten te kunnen leven. Die activiteiten kosten vaak veel tijd en energie waardoor niet zelden school en werk op een tweede plaats komen te staan. Religie Religie neemt geen bijzondere plek in binnen hiphop. Een bescheiden aantal rappers draagt wel een religieuze boodschap uit, maar het komt vaker voor dat een spirituele, oosterse denkwijze in de teksten verweven zit. Taalgebruik en muziek Hiphop is een levensstijl, een sub- en straatcultuur waarbij rap de taal van de straat is. Hiphoppers en rappers gaan creatief met taal om. Rappers, DJs en producers bedenken bijnamen en hiphoppers creà «ren met een mix van Amerikaans en Nederlands taalgebruik hun eigen ding. Hiphop word ook gekenmerkt door de grote hoeveelheid woorden die in een nummer zit. Dit heeft ervoor gezorgd dat de inhoud van raps in de media terechtkwamen. Daarbij ging het om de opschepperij over zichzelf, of bijvoorbeeld door de schockerende teksten die op de platen te horen was. Hiphop gaat nog steeds vaak over woede, vergeldig, het zware leven, seks, relaties en de samenleving. Kleding Vanaf de begin jaren 80 dragen hiphoppers al sportschoenen, honkbalpetter, trainingsbroeken in felgekleurde stoffen met de bijbehorende kettingen. Hierbij is de hophopcultuur de eerste jongerencultuur die het traingspak omarmt. Als hiphop na 1985 aan terrein wint, verandert ook de hiphopmode. De glimmende, kleurige trainingspakken maken geleidelijk plaats voor strakke spijkerbroeken, leren baseballjacks, sweaters met capuchon, sportschoenen van Adidas en baseballpetten. Begin jaren negentig dragen hiphoppers wijde broeken, houthakkersblouses, T-shirts, sweaters met capuchon en sportschoenen. Ook dunne en dikke bodywarmers zijn populair. Nadat de hiphopscà ¨ne begin jaren negentig een vermainstreaming ondergaat, raakt het uiterlijke vertoon van luxe artikelen in een opmars. In clips voeren regelmatig grote autos, geld, dure merkkleding en gouden kettingen de boventoon. Rappers hebben iets bereikt en willen dat laten zien. Veel hiphoppers gaan van authentieke straatkleding over op het dragen van steeds duurdere merken. Veel rappers hebben tegenwoordig hun eigen kledingmerk. Inmiddels zijn de wijde oversized broek, (sport)schoenen (Nike, Adidas, Timbaland), T-shirts, sweaters met capuchon en een baseballpet in trek. De kleding is dus over het algemeen oversized, gemakkelijk zittend en veel bewegingsruimte toelatend. Het kapsel is over het algemeen kort. Kapsels die populair zijn, zijn onder andere dreadlocks en grote krullen. Voor meisjes was het ook populair om gekleurde plukken in hun haar te doen en hun haar te ontkroesen Doordat hiphop in de loop der jaren is veranderd en aan populariteit heeft gewonnen, is ook de kledingstijl veranderd. De gedachte dat je origineler moet zijn dan de ander maakt dat tevens de kledingstijl regelmatig veranderd. Kleding is om op te vallen, het kopià «ren van een stijl is fout binnen hiphop. Het gaat om het ontwikkelen van je eigen stijl en identiteit. De basis van hiphopkleding is om rebellie en being different uit te drukken. Instrumenten De instrumenten die werden gebruikt in de hiphop waren vooral de draaitafel, de drumcomputer en samples. Maar het allerbelangrijkst, vooral in de vroegere hiphop was dat je muziek kon maken zonder instrumenten. Met meerdere mensen kon je een hele goede beat maken. De een beatboxde, de andere deed aparte beatjes erbij, weer een andere deed de bas met zijn stem en de ander rapte. 4 onderdelen van de hiphop 1. DJ Turntablism Turntablism vat alles samen wat met turntables (draaitafels) te maken heeft. De turntablist (dj) maakt gebruik van twee turntables en probeert daar het maximale uit te halen aan geluiden, ritmes en beats. Alhoewel djs oorspronkelijk alleen de MCs begeleidden zijn er ook veel djs die zich alleen bezig houden met het creà «ren van de instrumentale vorm van rapmuziek. Er worden jaarlijks grote battles (wedstrijden) gehouden waarin de djs met de beste skills worden gekozen. De meest toonaangevende toernooien zijn de ITF (International Turntable Federation) en DMC battles waaraan djs uit de hele wereld deelnemen. De meeste Turntablists maken deel uit van collectieven. Enkele bekende collectieven zijn: X-ecutioners, The Allies, Beat Junkies, 5th Platoon en The invisble Skratch Piklz. Enkele termen zijn: Beat juggling Hierbij wordt een continu ritme gecreà «erd door de beats van twee verschillende platen af te wisselen. De snelheid kan aangepast worden waardoor een nieuwe beat ontstaat. Het handmatig op en neer draaien van een plaat waardoor een scratchend krassend geluid ontstaat. Er zijn met het mengpaneel verschillende geluidseffecten te maken terwijl wordt gescratched. In Turntable battles is het de kunst zo origineel mogelijk te zijn in het creà «ren van nieuwe geluiden, ritmes en effecten. Een jury bepaalt wie de winnaar is. De jongste winnaar van alle toonaangevende battles Is DJ A-Trak uit Canada. Op zijn vijftiende won hij zijn eerste wereldtitel. A-Trak zat toen nog gewoon op de middelbare school en versloeg alle turntable-grootheden. Tegenwoordig zit hij bij The Allies en is nog steeds een van de beste Turntablists. Dat mag ook wel, hij oefent zon 4 a 5 uur per dag. 2. Graffiti. Sinds het begin der tijden hebben mensen op muren geschilderd. De Neanderthaler deed het de Egyptenaren deden het, de Romeinen deden het enzovoort. In WOII werd er veel gekalkt, het was een vorm van verzet en daarom ook levensgevaarlijk. Na de oorlog werd er minder op de muren geschreven. In de jaren 50 bakende Amerikaanse jongerenbendes hun territorium af met op de muren gekalkte merktekens te zetten. In de jaren 60 werd het mode zijn politieke keuzes op allerlei gebouwen te zetten. Groepen jongeren wilden de maatschappij duidelijk maken dat opvattingen en verhoudingen aan vernieuwing en verandering toe waren. Dankzij de technische ontwikkeling werden er naast krijt ook spuitbussen en viltstiften gebruikt. Graffiti is à ©Ã ©n van de 4 pijlers van de hiphopbeweging en het verspreide zich samen met de hiphop over de hele wereld. Maar jammer genoeg is niet alle graffiti legaal, hier en daar komen er legale zones waar de graffitispuiters hun gang kunnen gaan, maar op de meeste plaatsen blijft graffiti nog illegaal. Zo is er een nieuw graffitibeleid aangekondigd, zodat de daders voortaan op gevangenisstraffen kunnen rekenen. Ondanks alles groei de acceptatie van de kunstvorm. Steeds meer mensen komen tot de conclusie dat graffiti niet alleen maar ongecontroleerd kladwerk is. De meeste houden er na een vrij korte tijd mee op, niet zelden na een dure ervaring met het gerecht. Diegenen die het wel volhouden en het nodige talent hebben, ontwikkelen een eigen stijl en maken na verloop van tijd werken die het bekijken waard zijn. Rizon uit Antwerpen is zo iemand, hij staat bekend om zijn spectaculaire 3D-werken. Andere termen van GRAFFITI BALLONLETTERS: dit zijn letters waar geen hoeken aan zitten en dus door ronde vormen zijn opgebouwd OUTLINEN: de letters of de tekening terug omlijnen HIGHLIGHTS: een soort glans die je ziet als je het werk van ver bekijkt TOY: beginner WRITER: artiest KING: volleerde spuiter Redenen voor GRAFFITI soms alleen maar uit verveling om de kick, het opwindende gevoel iets te doen dat niet mag, omdat het illegaal is omdat de kunstwerken in het openbaar gemaakt worden, hierdoor krijg je bekendheid om het straatbeeld of stadsbeeld te veranderen, vrolijker, kleuriger en minder saai TAG: de naam of het herkenningsteken van een graffitispuiter, men noemt het ook wel een gestileerde handtekening. Het bestaat ui een met kleur gespoten woord, naam, figuurtje, of soms zelfs alleen maar een letter, het dient als herkenningspunt voor de andere spuiters of voor diegene die hem kenen. Het is bijna altijd een schuilnaam, dit zet je meestal onder een kunstwerk. THROW UP: dit is een word of een simpele tekening. Het is meestal met 2, soms 3 kleuren gespoten, deze soort werd ontwikkeld doordat graffiti verboden werd. De graffitispuiters moesten sneller werken en konden dus niet meer als 2 of 3 kleuren veroorloven STAMP: dit is een geà «volueerde vorm van de throw up. Deze stijl maakt gebruik van letters die een driedimensionaal effect veroorzaken. Dit kan d.m.v. schaduwen of lichtere kleuren lijntjes binnen het werk. Deze vorm maakt meestal gebruik van 3 of 4 kleuren PIECE: dit is meestal een groot geheel en er is de tijd voor genomen. Alles wordt hierin erg goed uitgewerkt en er wordt met veel kleuren gewerkt. Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van een omlijning, schaduw en dergelijke. Er is een ongeschreven graffitiwet dat je nooit over een ander piece heen mag spuiten. 3. Breakdance Breakdance wordt in de VanDale beschreven als acrobatische danse waarbij de danser zich ook liggend en draaiend op de grond beweegt. Ik vind dit persoonlijk een vrij eenvoudige beschrijving van breakdance, want in werkelijkheid is het veel meer. Ik denk niet dat het alleen een manier van dansen is, maar vooral een manier van jongeren om zich te uiten. Breakdance wordt ook vaak gebruikt om met en tegen elkaar te dansen. Afkomst Breakdance is ontstaan in Amerika, breakdance is ingevoerd door Afro-Amerikanen die het oorspronkelijk als een tijdverdrijf toepasten. Daarom zijn de eerste bekende breakdancers bijna allemaal zwarte Amerikanen. Breakdance heeft allerlei bewegingen overgenomen uit de traditionele Afrikaanse dans, de Braziliaanse vechtsport en de Chinese vechtsporten ook capoiera genoemd. Breakdance is de lichaamstaal van het hiphoppen, daarbij is het een mix van grond-, vechtsport-, acrobatische en dansbewegingen. Onderdelen breakdance: Powermoves. Dit zijn snelle acrobatische bewegingen die vrij veel kracht vereisen. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn de spins. Headspin(zie rechts), backspin, kneespin, hierbij draai je snel rond op je hoofd, rug of knieà «n. Deze bewegingen zijn het belangrijkste onderdeel van breakdance, het is dus belangrijke dat je deze goed onder de knie hebt. Electrics. Deze kun je weer verdelen in 2 onderdelen. Je kunt mensen de illusie laten wekken dat je heel soepel bent, het lijkt dan net of je geen botten hebt. Een ander onderdeel is dat je heel schokkerig beweegt, je probeert het zelfde effect te creà «ren als bij een robot.à Freezes. Dit zijn stilstaande moves, waarbij je in een keer stilstaat in een powermover. Het is pas een freeze als je langer dan 2 seconden stilstaat. Battles. Als 2 breakdancers tegen elkaar gaan dansen dan spreekt men van een battle. Daarbij probeert men elkaar steeds te overtreffen en wie de moeilijkste moves kan vertonen wint de battle. Battles gebeuren vooral in groep, dan gaan 2 groepen tegenover elkaar staan en gaan alle leden zo moeilijk mogelijke moves laten zien om zo de andere groep te overtreffen. Maar dikwijls hangt het niet alleen af van de moves want het publiek beslist wie de battle wint. Dus de groep die het publiek het beste kan entertainen wint meestal de battle ongeacht of ze nu de beste moves hebben vertoont. Daarom proberen de groepen elkaar te imponeren door te bluffen en verbaal geweld te gebruiken. Er worden in verschillende landen heel veel grote battles georganiseerd zoals battle of the Benelux of freestyle sessions in Amerika. Elk jaar wordt er in Duitsland ook het onofficià «le wereldkampioenschap gehouden dit evenement noemt the battle of the year. 4. Rappen Rappen is 1 van de vier belangrijkste elementen van de hiphopcultuur, naast DJ-en, graffiti en breakdance. Rappen wordt ook wel MCen genoemd en is een vorm van rijmend praten en zingen. De letterlijke vertaling van rappen is slap auwehoeren of er uit flappen. Meestal gebeurt het rappen in samenwerking met een dj die via zijn draaitafels (turntables) voor een beat zorgt. MC staat voor Master of ceremony in de hip hop,de rol van de MC is de platen van de DJ aan elkaar te praten door te rappen.De beste MCs zijn degenen die razendsnel een tekst kunnen improviseren. Er worden MC-battles (wedstrijden) gehouden, waarbij het de bedoeling is dat twee MCs elkaar verbaal proberen in te maken. De MCer gebruikt meestal de hulp van de human beatboxer dat letterlijk staat voor menselijke drummachine. Beatboxers doen met hun mond een drummachine na en maken zo een ritme waarop de rapper kan rappen. Sommige zien beatboxers als het vijfde element van de hip hop. Dankzij de human beatboxer heeft de rapper geen dure apparatuur nodig en kan hij zonder problemen op elke hoek van de straat een show opvoeren. Nawoord Ik vond het heel interessant om dit werkstuk over hiphop te doen. Ik ben dingen tegengekomen die ik niet wist. Interessante dingen over bijvoorbeeld het breakdancen en hoe de hiphop is ontstaan. Ik vind het een mooie stijl, persoonlijk hou ik meer van de oudere hiphop omdat daar meer diepgang in zit. Het feit dat de rappers het daar hebben over het moeilijke leven en hoe ze zich wouden afzetten tegen de maatschappij spreekt mij erg aan. Ik vind het erg jammer dat de hiphop de laatste jaren om geld, vrouwen en status gaat. De oudere hiphop was veel puurder. 2
Friday, October 25, 2019
Television, What A Waste Of Time :: essays research papers
Television, What A Waste of Time How much does television mean to you? Would you sacrifice your mind, your health, and your well-being just to keep ahold of it? Most people would. They are unaware of the severe effects that TV has on our lives and on our future. I think that television should be banned from all American households because of the negative ideas it exploits, the creative minds it destroys, and the growing amount of kids and adults that are making this place a bigger and lazier country. In the last decade, the amount of vioilence on television has greatly increased and so has the number of senseless homicides and suicides in our country. The promiscuity and violence shown regularly on household televisions has intrigues us as Americans and numbed our sense of what's right and what's wrong in society. What shocked us at first has now become customary dinner-time cinema. With the increase in the number of television sets in America, more and more young people have been robbed of their creativity. With TV, hardly anything is left to the imagination. Before the existence of television, all people wre forced to create their own opinions and images of things in their own minds. But with TV, all the images are created for you and almost all the arguments are one-sided. With TV, you no longer create your own ideas; you are told them. Television has a great impact on the health of America. The seductive topics and biased broadcasts shows daily across America are luring more and more people to the confines of their living room couch for a greater amount of time. Inactivity and overeating are a common result of this decision made by adults and kids alike.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Emily Dickinson Essay
The lives and works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Emily Dickinson may be different in many ways, but there are existential treads that bind these two people together by similarities. Elizabeth Browning became famous while she was alive and was very influential opposed to Emily Dickinson who became famous for her poems after she died. In the eighteenth century two of the finest poets; Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Emily Dickinson are two people who are close in certain aspects but completely different individuals. Thus, looking deeper into each individualââ¬â¢s lives and works will give us a better perception on these two poets. The Victorian poet ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browning was born in 1806, March 6th Durham, England, and was the oldest child out of twelve childrenâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browningâ⬠). ââ¬Å"Elizabethââ¬â¢s father, Edward Barrett, was a businessman who was very wealthy from many sugar plantations in Jamaicaâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browningâ⬠). As a child, Elizabeth wrote her first earliest known poem for her motherââ¬â¢s birthday and for her fifteenth birthday; her father had one of her poems privately printed. This poem was ââ¬Å"The Battle of Marathonâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browningâ⬠). ââ¬Å"Elizabeth experienced her first sorrow in 1828 when her mother Mary suddenly diedâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browningâ⬠). ââ¬Å"By the time Elizabeth had moved to London, her health was poor and she suffered from a spinal injury and shown signs of a lung condition but was never diagnosedâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browningâ⬠). However in these conditions Elizabeth never seemed to give up her love for poetry. Shortly after Elizabethââ¬â¢s brother, Edward, drowned in a boating accident on his way back to London (ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browningâ⬠). ââ¬Å"Feeling responsible for his death, Elizabeth became a recluse and practically an invalid rarely leaving her roomâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browningâ⬠). This characteristic made Elizabeth similar to Emily Dickinson in the way that they are both easily affected by a tragic incident in their lives, resulting in the act of isolating themselves from others. ââ¬Å"Elizabethââ¬â¢s work brought her the man that would eventually woo, win, and marry her: Robert Browningâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browningâ⬠). ââ¬Å"Robert became so impressed with Elizabethââ¬â¢s work that he wrote to her and over the course of the next few months, he and Elizabeth wrote to each other almost every day until they finally met on May 20, 1845, where they discovered that they were already in loveâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browningâ⬠). ââ¬Å"More letters (over 500 in all) and visits continued until the two were secretly married on September 12, 1846â⬠(ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browningâ⬠). ââ¬Å"The newlyweds fled to Florence, her father never forgave her, and she found herself disinherited. She and her father never reconciledâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browningâ⬠). Elizabeth and Robert remained in Italy for the remainder of their lives and had a baby boy, Penini in 1849 (ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browningâ⬠). In 1850, Elizabethââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Sonnets from the Portugueseâ⬠were published. ââ¬Å"Although they had been written as a private gift to Robert, her husband was so moved by the forty-four sonnets the he felt they should not be hidden from the world and published them, making the collection stand as her greatest well-known achievementâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browningâ⬠). Elizabeth died on June, 29, 1861, and was buried in Florence (ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browningâ⬠). Likewise, Emily Dickinsonââ¬â¢s writing was similar to Browning in the way that she crafted a new type of first person persona (Wider). ââ¬Å"Like the speakers in Browningââ¬â¢s works, Dickinsonââ¬â¢s are sharp-sighted observers who see the inescapable limitations of their societies as well as their imagined and imaginable escapesâ⬠(Wider). ââ¬Å"In 1890, four years after Dickinsonââ¬â¢s death, the first volume of her poetry appearedâ⬠(Wider). ââ¬Å"Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830 in Amherst, Massachusettsâ⬠(Wider). ââ¬Å"Emilyââ¬â¢s father at the time of her birth was an ambitious young lawyer, and was educated at Amherst and Yale. He returned to his hometown and joined the ailing law practice of his father, Samuel Fowler Dickinsonâ⬠(Wider). ââ¬Å"Edward joined his father in the family home, built by Samuel in 1813â⬠(Wider). ââ¬Å"Active in the Whig Party, Edward was elected to the Massachusetts Start Legislature (1837-1839) and the Massachusetts State Senate (1842-1843)â⬠(Wider). ââ¬Å"Little was known of Emilyââ¬â¢s motherâ⬠(Wider). ââ¬Å"She often represented as a passive wife of a domineering husbandâ⬠(Wider). ââ¬Å"Emily wasnââ¬â¢t the only child of Edward and Emily Dickinson; she also had a brother William Austin Dickinson and a sister Livinia Norcross Dickinsonâ⬠(Wider). ââ¬Å"All three children attended the one-room primary school in Amherst and then moved on to Amherst Academy, the school out of which Amherst College had grownâ⬠(Wider). Futhermore, ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browning was the most respected woman poet of the Victorian ageâ⬠(Burlinson). ââ¬Å"By 1900, she was better known as the heroine of a turbulent love story than as a prolific and successful writerâ⬠(Burlinson). ââ¬Å"Browning was an experimental writer who felt sufficiently comfortable working within poetic convention to disrupt and revise it to her own endsâ⬠(Burlinson). ââ¬Å"Elizabeth was known for writing sonnets, allegories, ballads, political odes, love poems, occasional verses, poetic dramas, and an epic, as well as essays in literary criticism and a translation of Aeschylusâ⬠(Burlinson). Her greatest poetic success was in the sonnets from the Portuguese as stated above in Elizabethââ¬â¢s biography. Elizabeth poured all her profound thoughts into these sonnets and yet the exquisiteness if the mould has compelled a rigorous pruning alike of superabundant imagery, which has had the happiest affect (Arnold). ââ¬Å"One of her best known poems from 1850 is ââ¬Å"The Runaway Slave at Pilgrimââ¬â¢s Point,â⬠an impassioned protest against slavery in which a black woman; the rape victim of her white master, murders her childâ⬠(Burlinson). ââ¬Å"The rage and grief of the woman chillingly conveyed in the first-person narrativeâ⬠(Burlinson). Elizabeth held a deep belief that poetry could change attitudes toward the world, and indeed it did. ââ¬Å"Her poem ââ¬Å"The Cry of the Childrenâ⬠caused a sensational reaction that caused public reform in a protest against the working conditions of childrenâ⬠(Burlinson). ââ¬Å"In fact, Elizabeth is one of the greatest sonnet writers in our language, and she is worthy enough to be ranked side by side with Milton and Wordsworthâ⬠(Arnold). Elizabeth has managed to touch all the chief human relationships and when she touched them, it was always in a noble manner and severe simplicity which is greatly preferred to be her most luscious and copious versification (Arnold). Unlike Elizabeth, Emily seemed to be more reclusive with her life and at a young age Emily went into seclusion, resulting in her not socially maturing. Emily also avoided doing routine house work or other normal daily activities because she like being alone to dream and use her imagination (Southworth). Many readers believe that by shunning the realities of everyday life, Emily was able to find the greater reality in the realm of imagination (Southworth). Despite being lonely and frustrated she never out grew adolescence and this seemed to show in her poetry (Southworth). Her writings showed that she was not capable of grasping the joy of reality and that she really didnââ¬â¢t have a true understanding of life challenges (Southworth). Like Elizabeth, ââ¬Å"Emilyââ¬â¢s poems were meant to be and experience, to render experiences as well as refer to itâ⬠(Ryan). ââ¬Å"For Emily the living presence is the poem itself. If it is not intermediately between the poet and the reader, it is the thing alive the reader experiencesâ⬠(Ryan). ââ¬Å"Dickinson was a master at grammar, rhythm, rhetoric, and narrative. A master of the inextricable, intricate, intimate and constantly shifting, interrelationshipââ¬â¢s among themâ⬠(Ryan). ââ¬Å"Emily Dickinson wrote nearly 1800 poems, but only seven were published in her lifetime. When the first posthumous collection of her work appeared in 1890, she was regarded as an interesting but idiosyncratic minor poet. As the twentieth century has progressed, however, her poetic achievement has won interesting recognitionâ⬠(Tredell). ââ¬Å"Dickinson nonetheless engages in an original and vibrant way with love, eroticism, nature, death, immortality and eternity. Her work is notable for its power and compression and complexity, its precise and startling phrasing, its inventiveness of rhythm and rhyme, and the exploratory daring which belies its apparent decorumâ⬠(Tredell). Emily said to Higginson that poetry is something that makes the body feel so cold that no fire could warm it, that if the reader physically feels as if the top of their head were taken off that its poetry. She claims that this is the only way she knows its poetry (Ryan). Elizabeth Barrett Browningââ¬â¢s poem ââ¬Å"The Cry of the Childrenâ⬠is about child labor. In this poem Elizabeth is trying to show us how the children feel about working and how it makes them sad and exhausted. They suffer as they work with trembling knees and heavy eyelids. The children are demanded to keep working no matter how tired and weak they are. I know that this is the theme because the speaker says ââ¬Å"Do ye hear the children weeping,â⬠(ââ¬Å"The Cry of the Childrenâ⬠). This means that the children were weeping in sorrow because in the playtime of others they are working. Another detail that supports my idea for the theme is the lines ââ¬Å"For oh, say the children, we are weary, / and we cannot run or leap;â⬠(ââ¬Å"The Cry of the Childrenâ⬠). This detail shows that the children are suffering that they are tired and weak. When Elizabeth describes how the children look she is using imagery by saying, ââ¬Å"we are weary, / and we cannot run or leap; / if we cared for any meadows, it were merely / to drop down in them and sleep. / our knees tremble sorely in the stooping, / we fall upon our faces, trying to go; / and, underneath our heavy eyelids drooping, / the reddest flower would look as pale as snowâ⬠(ââ¬Å"The Cry of the Childrenâ⬠). This connotation is showing how the children are looking and feeling this verse is not only using imagery but it also uses a simile to show how the childrenââ¬â¢s eyes are so tired and heavy that the reddest flower would look as pale as snow for them. Emily Dickinsonââ¬â¢s poem ââ¬Å"Heart, we will forget himâ⬠talks about how Emily is trying to forget the man that hurt her and her heart. In the poem Emily is instructing her heart ââ¬Å"to forget the warmthâ⬠and that she will forget ââ¬Å"the lightâ⬠. ââ¬Å"But Emily is scared that if her heart takes too long to forget, then it will give her time to remember, thus causing her to not be able to carry out her self-given assignmentâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Heart, we will forget himâ⬠). I know that the theme of the poem is getting over someone you love by the line ââ¬Å"Heart, we will forget himâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Heart, we will forget himâ⬠). This line is referring to Emilyââ¬â¢s heart trying to forget the man that hurt both her and her heart. Another detail supporting my thought for the theme is the line ââ¬Å"you may forget the warmth he gave / I will forget the lightâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Heart, we will forget himâ⬠). This line is trying to demonstrate that the heart is trying to forget the warmth that the man gave it and that Emily will try to forget the light he brought to her world. In this poem Emily tells the heart what do to by commands making the hearts seem as if it can act, think and follow orders like a brain. By making the heart have a human characteristic Emily is using the literary device personification. Emily also uses a literary device called tautology which is use when there is a repetition of words, and in the first stanza of ââ¬Å"Heart, we will forget himâ⬠Emily uses the word forget three times to emphases that she and her heart will forget the one that broke them. Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Emily Dickinson were two poets that works were very similar in structure despite being born in different ears. The two poets depicted similar first personââ¬â¢s personas in their writings and became famous for it. Although Elizabeth became famous while she was alive, Emily Dickinson did not. Each poet however had their work published and found by someone else. Elizabethââ¬â¢s husband was the person who made her forty-four sonnets one of her well-known achievements and for Emily her sister Livinia was the founder of many poems left from her death. By comparing the works and lives of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Emily Dickinson, we can conclude that the inner life of an artist has more impact on their literary output than the external factors that shaped their lives. Works Cited Arnold, William T. ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861).â⬠The English Poets: The Nineteenth Century, Wordswort to Rossetti. Ed. Thomas Humphry Ward. Vol. 4. Macmillan and Co., 1893. 562-567. Rpt. in Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Ed. Laurie Lanzen Harris. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale Research, 1981. Literature Resource Center. Web. 15 Dec. 2011. Burlinson, Kathryn. ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Overview.â⬠Reference Guide to English Literature. Ed. D. L. Kirkpatrick. 2nd ed. Chicago: St. James Press, 1991. Literature Resource Center. Web. 11 Dec. 2011. ââ¬Å"Elizabeth Barrett Browning.â⬠LitFinder Contemporary Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2007. LitFinder. Wed. 6 Dec. 2011. Ryan, Michael (American College Teacher). ââ¬Å"Dickinsonââ¬â¢s Stories.â⬠The American Poetry Review Mar.-Apr. 2009: 5+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 15 Dec. 2011. Southworth, James Granville. ââ¬Å"Emily Dickinson.â⬠Some Modern American Poets. James Granville Southworth. Blackwell, 1950. 14. LitFinder. Web. 11 Dec. 2011. Tredell, Nicholas. ââ¬Å"Emily Dickinson: Overview.â⬠Gay and Lesbian Biography. Ed. Michael J. Tyrkus and Michael Bronski. Detroit: St. James Press, 1997. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 28 Jan. 2012. Wider, Sarah Ann. ââ¬Å"Emily (Elizabeth) Dickinson.â⬠The American Renaissance in New England: Fourth Series. Ed. Wesley T. Mott. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001. Dictionary of Literary Biography Vol. 243. Literature Resource Center. Web. 11 Dec. 2011.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Analysis of Robert Haydenââ¬â¢s poem ââ¬ÅThose Winter Sundaysââ¬Â Essay
In ââ¬Å"Those Winter Sundaysâ⬠by Robert Hayden the story between the speaker and the father embraces the ideas of unseen love and the speakerââ¬â¢s regret. The poem is a result of the speakerââ¬â¢s reflection on his or her past experiences with his or her father. Hayden shows all the little things the father does, and how the speaker takes it for granted that the father just kind of did those things. Looking back, the speaker has now realized and understands what the father really had gone through for him. The descriptions Hayden uses expresses to the reader both the love of the father and the regret from the speakerââ¬â¢s reflection. Hayden goes into detailed explanations of examples of the fatherââ¬â¢s devoted love. His love isnââ¬â¢t shown through hugs and kisses, but through caring little things that bring happiness to the speakerââ¬â¢s day. This happiness can be seen by the regret the speaker shows when he says things like, ââ¬Å"No one ever thanked himâ⬠(5). The fatherââ¬â¢s devotion is seen in lines 3-5, ââ¬Å"with cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather made banked fires blazeâ⬠(3-5). It is evident that the father, regardless of his own cares, makes the effort on those winter Sundays to try to make things a little easier for the speaker. Unseen by the speaker, the loving father has gotten up early and brought warmth into their home, and into the speakerââ¬â¢s day. Also, in line 12, ââ¬Å"and polished my good shoes as wellâ⬠(12), the feeling once again is presented of this father doing all he can to take care of the speaker, and show his love through his a ctions. This unseen love can also be noticed in the speakerââ¬â¢s thoughts. This poem is a reflection of his or her regret for not having been more thankful towards this man who cared so much for him or her. Once again line 5 shows us just how regretful the speaker was, ââ¬Å"No one ever thanked himâ⬠(5). The use of the exaggerative word, ever, just shows how now the speaker has realized his folly and regrets not being more loving towards the father in turn. Also, in line 10 the word ââ¬Å"indifferentlyâ⬠further points out the speakerââ¬â¢s realization. In the second to last line ââ¬Å"What did I know, What did I knowâ⬠(13), it seems like the speaker is almost scolding himself for this indifference. This line also especially exemplifies the speakerââ¬â¢s regrets. It almost seems like theyââ¬â¢re are wailing over the fact that they had notà been more loving because of the repetition of the question. So, the unseen love of the speaker is not present directly in the poemââ¬â¢s text, but can be felt through further analyzation of the poem as one full of regret. Maybe the speaker had not realized this love do to the lack of communication between himself and the father. Line 9, ââ¬Å"fearing the chronic angers of that houseâ⬠(9) makes it seem like the father showed ââ¬Å"tough love.â⬠His intentions were always good, but maybe he pushed the speaker too hard and led to some lack in communication. This lack of a relationship with the father could be just another reason for the speakerââ¬â¢s regret. ââ¬Å"Those Winter Sundaysâ⬠presents both directly and indirectly the idea of unseen love. Directly when talking about the fathers actions, and indirectly through the reminiscing of the speaker. This poem in its entirety is about regret for taking for granted the love of the father, and not having returned that love, or shared a better relationship with the father.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
concentration camps essays
concentration camps essays During the Holocaust, many labor and mass murder camps were built. Auschwitz and Birkenau were infamous for their heavy labor camps. Other camps also built were solely built for mass murders. At these mass murder camps, some used gas to poison the people. The Belzec concentration camp is an example of one of these camps. It was established in February 1940 and on November 1, 1941, construction began at this death camp. It was opened for only 9 months and is reported that 600,000 people died there. Belzec had the capacity to kill 15,000 a day. There are only two known survivors. The Belzec concentration camps were built on the orders of Hitler that were passed down to Heinrich Himmler. Himmler, in turn, ordered Odilo Globocnik, the SS commissioner occupying Poland, to construct a camp at Belzec. One of the first gas chambers that were built was at Belzec. Deportees from Cracow, Radom, Galicia, Czechoslovakia, Holland, as well as Belzec went there. Christian Wirth, formerly of the Brandenburg euthanasia program, built the gas chamber. His building contained three rectangular rooms, each about thirteen by twenty-six feet, with ceilings just over six feet high. A 240-horsepower engine from a captured Russian tank was installed in a shed just outside, and exhaust fumes were piped into the chambers. Many believed that carbon monoxide was a reliable form of gassing. However, this form of gassing, at the beginning, functioned very inefficiently. A report from a SS colonial concludes this. In it he says, [Sergeant] Hackenholt was making great efforts to get the engine running. But it doesn't go up...My stopwatch showed it all, 50 minutes, 70 minutes, and the diesel did not start. The people wait inside the gas chamber. In vain...After 2 hours and 49 minutes-the stopwatch recorded it all-the diesel started...the people shut up in those four crowded chambers were alive, four times 750 in four time...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Cold War paper essays
Cold War paper essays The role of America at the end of World War II was where the origins of policing the world originate. America had been engaged in a very costly war in terms of dollars as well as lives. But, despite the expense the United States came out of World War II better than any other nation that was involved. The Second World War was a battle between the Allied and Axis Powers. The Allied Powers consisted of the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, China, and France. This war was seen as the fight against Nazi Germany, and therefore resulted in a majority of the battles fought on German and Russian soil. The aftermath left the Soviet Union in bad shape. Close to twenty million Russians had died fighting the war, which accounted for about eight percent of their population. Conversely, none of the fighting was done on American soil, and while the United States suffered in terms of casualties it was nothing compared to the loss Russia had endured. Because the war would not end until the Axis Powers fully surrendered to the Allied Powers, the United States was forced to use the first atomic warfare in history. The atom bomb would later serve as America's greatest possession. Stalin, the Premier of the Soviet Union had always distrusted the American and English intentions. Because of Stalin's aggression and attitude pertaining to Soviet influence on Europe, the postwar stance on Russia had turned into a standoff. This became the origin of the Cold War. The Cold War, seen as a battle between communism and capitalism, was "in reality a more complex struggle over a broad range of ideological, economic, and strategic issues." (Henretta, 868) Over the next several years the United States would spend more money on military and defense than ever before. Several measures were taken to ensure that the same mistakes at the end of World War I would not be repeated. The first in a series of measures was a postwar conference in...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Reflections on Versus
Reflections on Versus Reflections on Versus Reflections on Versus By Maeve Maddox The following sentence from an editorial about a money-saving measure taken by our local county government caught my eye: Its about cost-effective verses cheap. The misspelling of versus was the eye magnet, but then I started thinking about the use of the word itself. I dont hear the word versus or see it written out very often anymore. It may still have currency among sports writers, but I dont read the sports page, so I cant say. As a legal term, versus has been in the language since the 15th century: preposition denoting action of one party against another, from L. versus turned toward or against When I was in school, versus was commonly abbreviated as vs and italicized: McCulloch vs Maryland (1819) Miranda vs Arizona (1966) Now the usual practice is to abbreviate versus as v. and not italicize it: Roe v. Wade (1973) Gregg v. Georgia (1976) When it was still being written vs, the abbreviation was read as versus. Nowadays the practice is to pronounce the v as the letter name: Gregg [VEE] Georgia (1976) By now, many younger English speakers may be unaware that the v. in the name of a court case stands for versus. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Writing a Reference Letter (With Examples)80 Idioms with the Word TimeParataxis and Hypotaxis
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Urban Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
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Friday, October 18, 2019
Astronomy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
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Government Contracting Company Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Government Contracting Company - Assignment Example There are very many methods that can be used in cost estimation, such method may be relevant depending on the projects. Some methods may favors given projects while others may not be encouraged to be used in particular projects. The best cost estimating method may also depend on the available data or any resources such as the financial resource. The methods are: Scatter graph is method of estimating fixed and variable costs. It provides a visual picture of the total costs at different activity levels. Its demerit is that hard to visualize the cost equation line through the data points, especially when the data is differs. It also requires multiple data points and requires five Itââ¬â¢s a statistical method used to calculate both the fixed and variable data. Its advantages are it is very accurate. The disadvantage is that it requires a lot of calculation which may be very tiresome. It uses the highest and lowest activity levels of a data to estimate the portion of a mixed cost that is variable and the portion that is fixed. It disadvantage is that it may be misleading if the activity levels are not representative of the normal activity. For example when there are many outliers. The advantage is that it is very easy and do not require a lot of calculations. Various costs estimating method requires various resource, Government as a bigger organization is in a position to require enough resources. For example Government may easily require finance and the required data. The Government contract requires a lot of accountability due to the public interest therefore the best and accurate cost estimation method need to be considered.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Managing IT-Enabled Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Managing IT-Enabled Change - Essay Example Again, no information directly relevant to practicing or leading to IT-enabled changes can be found in Kotterââ¬â¢s Model. It is guided in another previous research that organizational dynamics of IT-enabled changes must be understood by managers so that the challenging task of implementing advanced IT-enabled changes could be kept from failing (Manzoni and Angehrn, 1998, p. 110). As quoted by Iveroth (2010, p. 136), earlier research focuses more on strategic guidelines and research by Manzoni and Angehrn (1998) also does not address detailed elements of practice much. Still, it is not like previous research on IT-enabled change management could be called nonexistent as it actually recognizes that record for IT implementation has not remained very good. An example of this includes research by Benjamin and Levinson (1993) according to whom, ââ¬Å"technology, business process, an organization must be adapted to each other for such change to be effectiveâ⬠. The researchers have retrieved the information from a total of 12 managers. The rationale behind interviewing only 12 managers is not clear. A better approach would have been to supplement the total number of interviewees with some reference from a research paper that justifies this number to represent the organization of Ericsson as a whole. Although the researchers have made a good effort in drawing information from a three-year case study of Ericsson, yet it is a relatively unusual case in that the evidence is quite specific to the case. It is hard to generalize the findings elsewhere given the technological expertise of Ericsson. Ericsson has been providing telecommunications equipment to the network operators all over the world for a long time, so their interaction with IT is probably much more than an average organization considering their nature of work. Ã
Personal And Professional Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Personal And Professional Development - Essay Example Trainings, workshops, and observations, in addition to other professional development activities, help educatorââ¬â¢s enhance their own teaching skills. This enables new and veteran teachers alike to be able to take their teaching to an entirely new level. Professional development involves not only the learning of new instructional methodologies and strategies, but they also enable individuals to keep up to date with new technology that can be effectively implemented into todayââ¬â¢s modern classroom. In todayââ¬â¢s rapidly advancing and globally progressive world, it is more important than ever that teacherââ¬â¢s today strive to grow professionally in their own right, so that they can foster the continued growth of their own studentââ¬â¢s as well. 2. Learning-Environment Observation Studies Gaining the confidence required to be an effective teacher can often come by observing others in action. In so doing, the mentality shifts from one of trepidation to one of accompl ishment. As we see others performing duties well, we begin to feel that we can do the same. This involves observing multiple disciplines to gain a solid overview about the teaching styles evident in the classroom that both promote and foster an environment conducive to the learning process. It is also important to observe others as a means of teacher development. Rossner (1992) argues that, ââ¬Å"Teacher development is not just to do with language or even teaching: itââ¬â¢s also about language development, counselling skills, assertiveness training, confidence building, computing, meditation, cultural broadening ââ¬â almost anything in factâ⬠(p. 4). Teaching is about much more than communicating facts and figures to young people. It is... This report stresses that professional development can help a new teacher grow in his or her abilities, in addition to leading to an increase in self-confidence. As a new educator in the second year of a teacher-training program, it is important to understand this process begins now. The prospect of entering a class of bright, young, and energetic students without any proper training or observations under my belt would be quite frightening indeed. This paper makes a conclusion that as has been demonstrated to this point, this module has instilled in this student the importance that personal and professional development has on the life of an educator. Teachers must be willing to constantly grow into their profession. New teachers have the responsibility to observe, learn theory, implement methodologies, and adapt to an increasingly technological and globally connected world. Teaching is a serious profession. Young people only possess a limited amount of time to acquire all of the skills and training that are necessary for themselves to enter into society as productive members, so teachers must work hard to ensure that this transition is as effective as possible. This begins with a thorough understanding of what it takes to be an educator, transcends into the role of counsellor and mediator, and continues to the role of life-long learning. In the end, teaching is a most rewarding profession, but also one that requires a great de al of foresight and perseverance.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 14
Philosophy - Essay Example Consequences of an action should be important criteria for the people. Velasquez has maintained that various philosophers like Bantham had pursued the philosophy that actions, which result in maximum happiness for maximum number of people, are invariable good and therefore, the end justifies the means if it generates happiness for people. Popularised as act utilitarian theory, the actions, that are designed to benefit or have beneficial cascading effects on others, are morally and ethically right. Morality can only be defined by rationalizing about ââ¬Ëwhether one is inflicting evil on othersââ¬â¢. Emmanuel Kant has been emphatic that moral obligations are imperatives and his two Rules define the categorical imperatives: Rules of Universality; and Rules of Respect. The first one makes says that people at all time must act appropriately and the second rules promotes the value of respect and says that well being al all individuals is important and therefore, one should not use others for their own vested interests. Velasquez has preferred the moderated version of Kantian philosophy and believes that people must act in the manner that minimizes harm and promotes happiness amongst maximum number of people. No, ethics are not based on virtues. Virtues can be broadly defined as highly recommending characteristics of moral principles that people aspire for but they are not mandatory code of conduct. Ethics, on the other hand are value based conduct that are needed to lead a worthy life which serves the benefit of the people at large. Therefore, a person may aspire to be generous and honest in his working, but even if he is not generous or honest but he does not harm others by his actions, he will not be considered unethical. The philosophy is part and parcel of every human being and he or she exhibit it through the wisdom and individual perspectives
Personal And Professional Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Personal And Professional Development - Essay Example Trainings, workshops, and observations, in addition to other professional development activities, help educatorââ¬â¢s enhance their own teaching skills. This enables new and veteran teachers alike to be able to take their teaching to an entirely new level. Professional development involves not only the learning of new instructional methodologies and strategies, but they also enable individuals to keep up to date with new technology that can be effectively implemented into todayââ¬â¢s modern classroom. In todayââ¬â¢s rapidly advancing and globally progressive world, it is more important than ever that teacherââ¬â¢s today strive to grow professionally in their own right, so that they can foster the continued growth of their own studentââ¬â¢s as well. 2. Learning-Environment Observation Studies Gaining the confidence required to be an effective teacher can often come by observing others in action. In so doing, the mentality shifts from one of trepidation to one of accompl ishment. As we see others performing duties well, we begin to feel that we can do the same. This involves observing multiple disciplines to gain a solid overview about the teaching styles evident in the classroom that both promote and foster an environment conducive to the learning process. It is also important to observe others as a means of teacher development. Rossner (1992) argues that, ââ¬Å"Teacher development is not just to do with language or even teaching: itââ¬â¢s also about language development, counselling skills, assertiveness training, confidence building, computing, meditation, cultural broadening ââ¬â almost anything in factâ⬠(p. 4). Teaching is about much more than communicating facts and figures to young people. It is... This report stresses that professional development can help a new teacher grow in his or her abilities, in addition to leading to an increase in self-confidence. As a new educator in the second year of a teacher-training program, it is important to understand this process begins now. The prospect of entering a class of bright, young, and energetic students without any proper training or observations under my belt would be quite frightening indeed. This paper makes a conclusion that as has been demonstrated to this point, this module has instilled in this student the importance that personal and professional development has on the life of an educator. Teachers must be willing to constantly grow into their profession. New teachers have the responsibility to observe, learn theory, implement methodologies, and adapt to an increasingly technological and globally connected world. Teaching is a serious profession. Young people only possess a limited amount of time to acquire all of the skills and training that are necessary for themselves to enter into society as productive members, so teachers must work hard to ensure that this transition is as effective as possible. This begins with a thorough understanding of what it takes to be an educator, transcends into the role of counsellor and mediator, and continues to the role of life-long learning. In the end, teaching is a most rewarding profession, but also one that requires a great de al of foresight and perseverance.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Patroklos is not very important to the Iliada Essay Example for Free
Patroklos is not very important to the Iliada Essay Patroklos is introduced as the companion of Achilleus ââ¬â the great warrior ââ¬â which automatically makes him significant to the poem as a whole. His relationship with Achilleus is first shown in book 9 where Patroklos obeys everything Achilleus asks him to do and is names as ââ¬Ëhis companion Patroklosââ¬â¢. This shows they have a good relationship which is important as it shows the audience another side of Achilleus, one where he is loving and caring and human enough to crave the company of a close friend. However the menial tasks Patroklos is first asked to perform could have been undertaken by any common slave and therefore in this scene he does not come across as particularly important to the poem. This close relationship is emphasized a number of times throughout the poem, in particular when Achilleus ââ¬Ëgave a silent signal to Patroklos with his eyebrowsââ¬â¢ which would indicate that their relationship is such that Patroklos understands what Achilleus wants him to do through facial expression alone. Moreover, in book 11, Patroklos is referred to as the ââ¬Ëpleasure of my heartââ¬â¢ by Achilleus, suggesting that their relationship is deeper than just friends. Patroklosââ¬â¢s role in Achilleusââ¬â¢s life is explained in part by Nestor who speaks of the advice given to Patroklos by his father ââ¬Ëby birth Achilleus is superior to you, but you are the older. He is far stronger than you, but your proper task is to give him words of wisdom and advise him and guide him ââ¬â and he will listen to you for the best. ââ¬â¢ This indicates that Patroklos has throughout his life influenced Achilleus and continues to do so, meaning he is crucial in understanding Achilleusââ¬â¢s character. Nearing the end of book 11, Patroklos cuts an arrow from Eurypylos thigh and stops the bleeding which shows he is compassionate and endears him to the audience which may be a device employed by Homer to emphasize the sadness of Patroklosââ¬â¢s death later in the poem. This scene is also used to show the brutal effects of war due to its gory nature. After book 16 Patroklos comes to the forefront of the poem. Achilleus instructs him to don his armour and push the battle from their ships. Achilleus once again shows his feelings for Patroklos as he prays to Zeus that he will come back safely. Zeus does not grant this, foretelling Patroklosââ¬â¢s death. During this book, Patroklos has his aristeia which adds excitement and impact to the poem. Patroklosââ¬â¢s fighting lasts for many pages and is a significant part of the poem, showing his importance overall. Patroklosââ¬â¢s fight with Sarpedon is important as Zeus becomes upset over the death of his son and although he allows the Achaians to take his armour, he ensures the body is well looked after ââ¬â showing a loving side of Zeus that is not often seen during the poem. Without Patroklos this scene would not have been able to take place. Patroklosââ¬â¢s death is told over many lines and begins with Euphorbus stabbing him in the back as he is too scared to face him in battle. This shows once again how brave and important Patroklos is. The passage describing Hektor killing Patroklos is very descriptive and includes mockery from Hektor and Patroklosââ¬â¢s final speech. This once more makes the audience feel for Patroklos as he is cruelly mocked in the last moments of his life. The next book is entirely dedicated to the fight over Patroklosââ¬â¢s body which indicates that he was important and a large part of the poem. There are also many men willing to defend Patroklos which shows he was well loved ââ¬ËI would gladly stand by Patroklos and defend him, since his death has touched right to my heartââ¬â¢. At the beginning of book 18 Achilleus learns of the death of Patroklos ââ¬Ëand the black cloud of sorrow enveloped Achilleusâ⬠¦he lay there with his whole body sprawling in the dust, huge and hugely fallen, tearing at his hair and defiling it with his own handsââ¬â¢, this passage shows how much Achilleus cared for his friend, he is so overwhelmed with sorrow that he is unable to speak. Even the serving women ââ¬Ëshrieked loud in their heartsââ¬â¢ griefââ¬â¢, enabling the audience to understand that he was loved by all, emphasizing the pain of his death. Furthermore, Patroklosââ¬â¢s death makes Achilleus feel guilty ââ¬Ëlet me die directly, since I was not able to help my friend at his killingââ¬â¢ and spurs him to fight once more. The sensitive side of Achilleus is bought out again during this ââ¬Ëhis warm tears falling when he saw his trusted friend lying thereââ¬â¢. Patroklosââ¬â¢s death is the catalyst needed to make Achilleus rekindle his fighting spirit ââ¬Ëbut now Patroklosâ⬠¦I shall not give you burial until I have bought hereâ⬠¦the head of Hektor. ââ¬â¢ Which shows that without Patroklos Achilleus would not have fought again, meaning he is catalytic in this part of the Iliad. Finally it is made clear that Patroklos was instrumental in Achilleusââ¬â¢s attachment to Briseis. ââ¬ËYou were always gentle. ââ¬â¢ Briseis explains that Patroklos was the one who arranged for her to marry Achilleus, and since this all began because Briseis was taken away this shows that without Patroklosââ¬â¢s intervention Achilleus would not have been so angry in the first place and would not have refused to fight, making the Iliad into a very different story. Therefore, Patroklos was key in shaping the poem into the story it became.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Online Recruitment: Advantages and Disadvantages
Online Recruitment: Advantages and Disadvantages Online recruitment uses internet to find people to jobs. Fundamentally, it is advertising vacancies on the job sites or corporate websites. At this basic level it is particularly effective at getting a greater level of response. While it may generate lots of applications than traditional print advertising, simply attracting more candidates is only the part of the job. The current state is that truly effective online recruitment can be as low as 10 percent of the top blue-chip corporate companies. The original strength power of online recruitment is when it is done properly, lie in controlling internet technology to not just attract the candidates but to deal with them also. In this sense it is also about streamlining the recruitment process, so busy human resource departments can give a good recruitment service to their colleagues in finance, marketing, sales and manufacturing and moreover it frees up more of their time for other potential tasks. A specialized software provider such as Human Resource Portal can develop bespoke application programmes for recruiters that will save their time, effort and financial resorces. They can automatically perform the pre-selection process by setting killer questions (that only top candidates could answer correctly), profiling and scoring, psychometric tests and automatic CV scans to look for key areas such as qualifications and experience What some companies and what u think of e rec-current thinking Those companies that use online job application systems, instead of traditional recruitment methods can get a greater number of applicants aged over thirties and premium quality candidates overall, according to new research. The research done by academics in Ireland and by Eastern Kentucky University in the U.S was presented a week ago at a conference of British Psychological Society.The study mainly focused at concerns that the huge rise in the use of e-recruitment practices over recent years had decreased the number of applications from older female candidates.Studies conducted over the past 4 years, the research of more 3,000 people applying for administrative posts in Irish Civil Service compared the type of population applying when the application process was was done through e-recruitment and paper based method.The survey found that the number of elder applicants (aged 30 60 years) increased with the practice of the internet selection systemThere was no change on the number of females applying for various posts but the overall quality of candidates was have improved.Number of candidates on selection tests were higher for online applicants than pre-online applicants.Results also proved that the n ew media could widen the diversity of people attracted to it, and brought into, organisations, said the BPS.The societys conference heard researchproving that employees perform better at work if they have better psychological health and if their department heads show them good commitment.The study was conducted by Professor Cary Cooper, of Lancaster University Management School and the director of Manchester-based consultancy Robertson Cooper, and included 16,000 employees aged between 16 and 60 across 15 different firms.Participants filled a questionnaire created to assess their levels of stress at workplace, rating their perceptions of work stressors, organizational commitment their health. Professor Cooper told: We found that the employees who rated their performance mostly had a better psychological health and rated their organizations for showing greater commitment to them. This shows that employers investment in the well-being of their employees is not just a moral obligation; it also pays dividends in context of productivity and profitability.The conference also heard research showing that the employees who feel strong emotional bond to the organization are most likely to be willing to recommend the organization to others and help the operation succeed.Other research, by an occupational psychologist David Sharpley, was based on a survey of more than thousand people working in a local government.Main aspects of the management behaviour, along with the perception that the organization supported employees development, were found to have been critical in creating a strong emotional bond sense of engagement.Employees who felt that they were performing meaningful work, and who were clear about the role they were fulfilling were most likely to be higjly motivated.Employee engagement has a direct effect on the productivity, so it is important for the managers to understand the factors that help us to build engagement the barriers that stifle it, said Sharpley.This study conveys that how important it is that people should know what they are doing, why they are doing it should feel that their personal development is supported by their management, he added. PRACTICE OF E-RECRUITMENT. There has been a huge increase in e-recruitment as compared to as before. Since middle of 2006 in the UK, E-recruitment have increased more than 40% from the previous year. While the trend for online recruitment has been expanding. Over half of the respondents agree that the quality of online applications is very hit and miss. (26.1%) disagree with this statement, which suggest that online recruitment is a better strategy for omly certain roles. Although there is a trend in favour of online recruitment, the results show that there is still a high level of constrains with regard to the ability of online recruitment to attract high quality and diverse candidates. Most of the organizations clearly have a long way to go in developing an online recruitment strategy. While there has certainly been a shift in recruitment and assessment being done online,ourresults suggest that online is only a single aspect of resourcing strategy and a mixed strategy with a mix of media is still proving mos t effective. Current state of Online Recruitment System The numbers of e-recruitment sites seem to multiplying day by day as it is facilitating the recruitment process in more than one ways. Initially, it was observed that this process was embraced by big IT firms but now, it is becoming the part of every organization in business world. The advantages and disadvantages of online recruitment The advantages of online recruitment Cost effective Pasting a job vacancy on your own company website does not cost you anything, while putting on a job board usually costs a couple of hundred pounds . When you consider that a recruitment consultant fee for a candidate could be anything up to 20% of the first years salary, and that advertising in a national newspaper can cost thousands, you can immediately see the cost savings with online recruitment. Online recruitment is quick A job vacancy can be put on a job site in the morning, the first applications arrive by lunchtime, and a candidate is interviewed by end of the day. Of course It isnt often like this. But the fact that such things happen quickly gives us an indication of just how quick E-recruitment can be. Online recruitment gives you a better chance of success Traditional print advertising whether national, local or trade press faces limitations: the success of a vacancy advertisement depends on people looking upon the ad on a particular page and in a particular issue. Online recruitment is completely different. A job vacancy advertisement on a website is there 24 X 7 ,for as long as you desire. Candidates can come back to it again and again. From office administrator to Financial Director: they are all online. Online recruitment gives you a bigger audience Many people who are new to online recruitment think that using job sites is only effective if you are looking for young net-savvy Facebook-type people. This simply isnt the case. Research consistently shows that the average age of candidates using job sites is around 35 years old.Online recruitment is now a standard part of most peoples job hunting regardless of the age. Online recruitment is easy Posting a job on your own site is easy enough. Most of the job sites and CV databases are very user-friendly and you dont need to have vast knowledge of IT to post a vacancy advertisement. Usually, all you need is your job description, a bit of time and a credit card. And, if you have any problems the job board sales team to help you.à The disadvantages of online recruitment Too many candidates It is a fact that dealing with irrelevant and bad candidates is the main problem of a HR manager. Spam candidates can waste lot of time. However, with a bit of thought about what job site you use, how you write your job description and using candidate screening and filtering tools on job boards, it is possible to reduce the number of irrelevant applicants. It wont always work Online recruitment doesnt work every time. Every job vacancy cannot be posted or filled online. There will always be difficult-to-fill jobs that can only be filledà by recruitment consultants, headhunters or in other ways. However, most companies tend to hire for pretty standard job roles so this is seldom an issue. And with more and more job seekers choosing the internet to look for jobs, and more and more job sites and job boards specializing in ever more diverse areas, those difficult-to-fill jobs are becoming less day by day.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Emily Bronte and Elizabeth Barrett-Browning :: Biography Biographies Essays
Emily Bronte and Elizabeth Barrett-Browning à à à à As I looked through the literary works we have covered this term I noticed that there were only two strong females we have studied that seem to play a strong part in the development of British Literature. Emily Bronte and Elizabeth Barrett-Browning were strong, influential figures in the literary world. à Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights can be credited with the title of the first Romantic novel of its time and her poetry was also redefining the poetry of the era. Unintentionally, I believe, Emily set a new standard for writing. Her use of nature, an undefined hero and heroine, the unusual structure of narrators, and her portrayal of the supernatural powers within the plot all contribute to her literary groundbreaking, trend setting style. Her poetry is also unique in that it has a personal flair not typically seen in previous poets. It is a very personal reflection of what she is enduring at the moment. That interpretation, however, is not entirely clear without the historical context.à "A little while, a little while, The noisy crowd are barred away; I can sing and I can smile A little while I've a holyday!" (WH 296) could be interpreted as any number of things without the reader being fully aware that at this point in her life Bronte was a trapped in a job she hated far from her beloved home and family. She was a governess. In that light it makes her poem makes complete sense; she needed to get away from the children she was responsible for. Several of her other poems were also born of this time in her life and reflected her homesickness. à Elizabeth Barrett-Browning too wrote about her life but I saw her work as more direct and open than that of Bronte. Without the historical knowledge of Bronte's life at the time of her writing her poems are beautiful but the reader cannot fully appreciate the emotive elements behind the words. Barrett-Browning's works were much clearer as to their intent and even without a working knowledge of her relationship with Robert Browning the reader can fully appreciate the powerful dramatic emotions flowing through her words. Her most famous sonnet "How do I love thee?
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Signal-Man and The Monkeys Paw :: Free Essay Writer
How do the writers create a sense of suspense? Fictional text need to be interesting so that the reader likes it. Many writers use many different things to capture their readerââ¬â¢s interest. Both Charles Dickens and WW Jacobs, in the Signalman and the monkeys paw both use different ways to try and keep the interest of their reader. The Signalman and the Monkey paw, are very similar both are horror stories set in 0ne location with very few characters. Even though they seem similar, they are actually told in different styles. Throughout the story the Signalman, Charles Dickens uses a Varity of methods to create atmosphere, tension and mystery. The author of this short story Charles Dickens was motivated to write this story because of a terrible train wreck at Staple Hurst, Kent, which he was involved in on 9 June 1865, in which several passengers died but he survived by luck. The story ââ¬Å"The signalmanâ⬠starts with the quote "Halloa! Below there" as the story unfolds this quote becomes very important. At the start of the story ââ¬Å"The signalmanâ⬠, suspense is created when the narrator calls out to ââ¬Å"the signalmanâ⬠; the signalman seems to stare at him in shock. It seems to be weird because the signalman seems to fear the narrator, or is somehow astonished by his presence. The signalmanââ¬â¢s actions create ambiguity, which is successful to create the overall suspense. Both the writers use conflict to create suspense, for example in the signalman, the narrator and the signalman seem to show a sense of conflict. For example the narrator presence, seems to astonish the signalman. The signalman saysâ⬠before he stirred I was near enough to him to have touched him, not even then removing his eyes from mine, he stepped back one step and lifted his handâ⬠the signalman is implying that he is uncomfortable with the narrator. Even the narrator notices the weird behaviour that is displayed by the signalman he says, ââ¬Å"You look at me, I said forcing a smile, as if you dread meâ⬠. They do not understand each other at this moment; the both think that each other are ghosts. The signalman says, ââ¬Å"I was doubtful, he returned, whether I had seen you before, where? He pointed at the red light he looked at there? I saidâ⬠. The signalman was implying that he had seen the narrator, under the red light that was the same place which he also said he had seen the ghost. The narrator also believes the signalman is a ghost he says, ââ¬Å"A monstrous thought came into my mind as I perused the fixed eyes saturnine face, that this was a spirit not a
Friday, October 11, 2019
Mobile Phone and Social Media
There are days when I wish marathoner weren't even Invented-Yet I try to Imagine life without social media, and it makes me sad to realize how many people I would no longer be in contact with. The people I communicate with the most on Faceable are not the people that I'm closest to in life. Instead it's the people who either live in other cities or have moved on to other schools and our lives no longer intersect on a daily or weekly basis. I'm able to stay in touch with these people in a way that I wouldn't be able to without Faceable.We're able to share articles, books, recipes, and ideas. I'm able to see them accomplish life goals, get married, start families. Although these friendships are not the same as the friendships I have with my close friends and family, I still value the connection. Social media and smart phones are now a permanent part of society, and I think that is, for the most part, a positive thing. L, for one, am going to try to set aside my phone and ignore Faceabl e for hours at a time, and I'm going to get out of the bait of touching my phone during family and school times.I want to someday have a family, and when I do, devices will not be allowed at family meetings, so it makes sense to get out of the habit now. I'm going to continue to post interesting articles and photos when I see them. But I'm not going to constantly check to see how many ââ¬Å"likesâ⬠and ââ¬Å"commentsâ⬠ââ¬Ë have. As for using my smartened in public, that's not really an Issue for me. I'm usually daydreaming. ââ¬Å"Look up from your phone. Shut down the display. Stop watching this video. Live life the real wayâ⬠.This shows me that the rate of successful relationships has gone down because people are to busy using their phones for testing and social media Instead of Interacting with each other. I think that smart phones have been ruling peoples social life. I think that the message I picked will help me later In elite. I would definitely recommend this video to family and friends because it has a deep message in it and it could help in their life. Mobile Phone and Social Media By sucroseCultural Perspective: I-J/ England By now, if you spend any time on Faceable, you've probably seen the ââ¬Å"Look Upâ⬠video. Relationship with smart phones and social media. I hate how it has become a reflex smartness weren't even invented. Yet I try to imagine life without social media, and an issue for me. I'm usually daydreaming. ââ¬Å"Look up from your phone. Shut down the people are to busy using their phones for testing and social media instead of interacting with each other. Message I picked will help me later in life.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Interviews: Indian Institutes of Management and Personal Interview
Personality Assessment Round Process Details (2013-2015 batch) By now, you must be quite familiar with the different processes that various B-schools use in the second round of their selection program. Let us now look at some individual institutes to get a better grasp of the mechanism they use in order to select the best candidates. Please note that institutes do keep tinkering with their selection processes from time-to-time. Therefore, this list can only help you to understand all the stages that an institute has used for selection in recent years with specific focus on last year's method.However, please remember that it is quite likely that in subsequent years, an institute may use radically different processes as well. IIM Ahmedabad: Process: PGPM: Essay Writing Task + Personal Interview ABM: Group Discussion + Personal Interview Essay Writing: The candidates were given 1 minute to think and 10 minutes to write on the topic. Most of the topics were either general in nature or re lated to current affairs. Some of the topics given to the candidates were ââ¬â ââ¬Å"CAG is slowing down progress in India's telecom and mining sectorâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Obsession with constant research by smartphone companies has had a serious effect on our social life.â⬠, ââ¬Å"It is advisable to raise the legal drinking age limit to 25 years for responsible drinking. â⬠Group Discussion: Usually, the Group Discussions involved case studies. Candidates were typically given a few minutes to read the case study and prepare their points. At the end of the discussion, candidates had to write a summary of the discussion. Personal Interview: Personal interviews were conducted after completion of the essay writing task / Group Discussion and, generally, lasted for about 15-20 minutes. In this round, candidates were interviewed by panels of two members each.Those with prior work experience were asked detailed questions pertaining to their experience and their company's business , its market share, growth prospects, industry prospects, turnover, etc. Some candidates were also asked indepth questions pertaining to their job profile and how their previous educational qualifications were being utilized in their current job profile. Candidates with no work experience were generally asked questions relevant to their academic background while a few candidates with prior work experience were also asked questions related to subjects from their academic background.Interestingly, almost all the candidates were asked a few questions from Mathematics as well. The questions related to Mathematics were primarily from areas like probability, distribution curves, statistics, etc. The candidates were also questioned about their hobbies and were expected to have an in-depth knowledge about them. Some candidates were also asked questions about the essay written by them. Specifically for ABM, candidates were asked questions regarding agriculture and why they wanted to join the ABM program. IIM Bangalore: Process: Essay Writing Task + Personal InterviewEssay Writing: The candidates were given 10 minutes to think about the given topic and 20 minutes to write on the topic. Most of the topics were related to current affairs. The candidates were required to do a thorough analysis of the topic and in some cases, from a particular point of view. Some of the topics given to the candidates were ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Is crime rate in urban India high mainly due to economic disparities? â⬠, ââ¬Å"The world is in social, economic and political turmoil. Any suggestions to improve. â⬠, ââ¬Å"Recently a law has been passed to ban A-rated films on television. Why do you think this decision has been taken? â⬠Personal Interview: Each interview panel comprised three members ââ¬â two professors and one alumnus of the institute. The interviews were mostly very general in nature. Candidates were asked questions pertaining to various aspects of their CV and SOP (Statement of Purpose) and the panel was typically quite pleasant and friendly. The interviews usually started with the panelists asking the candidates to talk about themselves. Some of the candidates were asked about current developments involving their company or industry. Some of them were also asked analytical questions on issues surrounding their industry / area of work.Typically, most of the candidates were asked a few questions regarding what they had written in their SOPs. IIM Calcutta: Process: Essay Writing Task + Personal Interview Essay Writing: Candidates were allotted 15 minutes to write on the topic. The word limit for the essay was 200 words. The topics given were general in nature and typically required analysis of an issue. Some of the topics given to the candidates were ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Corruption in sports committees and government interference are degrading the quality of sports in India. Elaborate and provide remedies.â⬠, ââ¬Å"The television media focuses more on violence, disaster and negative news. Why is it so? â⬠, ââ¬Å"What are your views on FDI in retail? â⬠Personal Interview: Mostly, panels which interviewed the candidates had three members. The interviews were largely general in nature. Most of the candidates were asked questions pertaining to various aspects of their CV. Some of them were asked in-depth questions about their subjects or areas of interest. Several candidates were asked detailed questions about their prior work-experience and their reasons for choosing to pursue an MBA. IIM Lucknow:Process: Essay Writing Task + Group Discussion + Personal Interview Essay Writing: Candidates were allotted 15 minutes to write on the assigned topic. The word limit for the essay was 200 words. The topics given were philosophical / abstract. Some of the topics given to candidates were ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Fame and riches are fleeting, stupidity is eternalâ⬠, ââ¬Å"A great city should not be confused with a populous one â⬠, ââ¬Å"Engine is the heart of an airplane and the pilot is its soulâ⬠. Group Discussion: The Group Discussion was held immediately after the essay writing. The topic was the same as the Essay writing task.Each group comprised 10-12 candidates. The groups were given 15 minutes to discuss the topic. Personal Interview: Panels comprising two members interviewed candidates. The interviews were very general in nature and often focused primarily on the candidate's goals and aims, as well as past experiences. Detailed questions related to area of work / job profile were common as were questions related to one's subjects of study while pursuing graduation. Many candidates were asked about their decision to pursue MBA and the candidates who had applied for ABM were asked about their reasons for opting for ABM.Candidates were also asked questions pertaining to various aspects of their CV. While most of the interviews lasted for about 20-25 minutes, some candidates reported very brief interviews of just about 8-10 minutes. IIM Indore: Process: Essay Writing Task + Personal Interview Essay Writing: Candidates were allotted 30 minutes to write on the given topic. The word limit for the essay was 300 words. The topics given were very general and analytical in nature. Some of the topics given to the candidates were ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Today's popular TV serials depict a life different from normal life.Is it a form of escapism or just for entertainment? â⬠, ââ¬Å"How does migration of people into other countries affect nationalism and patriotism? â⬠, ââ¬Å"With so many mergers and acquisitions by big business houses in India, is there any future for small scale enterprises in the country? Suggest ways to help out small scale enterprises. â⬠, ââ¬Å"Despite advances in medical science, progress is slow. Should research knowledge be shared with other scientists or should it be a closely guarded secret? â⬠Personal Interview: The candidates were i nterviewed by a panel of three members.The interviews often focused primarily on a candidate's academic background. Detailed questions related to the candidate's subjects of study while pursuing graduation were asked to almost all candidates, even those who had more than two years of prior work experience. Candidates with work experience were generally asked detailed questions about their job profile. Some candidates were queried on their decision to quit their job and pursue an MBA. Quite a few candidates were also asked questions about their hobbies and extracurricular activities while some were also asked questions aboutà current affairs, specifically questions related to the budget.Interviews typically lasted for about 25 to 35 minutes. IIM Kozhikode: Process: Essay Writing Task + Personal Interview Essay Writing: Candidates were allotted 45 minutes to write on the given topic. The word limit for the essay was 500 words. The topics given were philosophical. Some of the topics were ââ¬â ââ¬Å"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyoneâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Forgive your enemies but don't forget their namesâ⬠, ââ¬Å"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absenceâ⬠.Personal Interview: Panels comprising two members interviewed the candidates. The interviews did not have a set pattern; rather, they were more panel-dependent. While some candidates reported that their interviews were very general in nature and focused on their goals and aims, others reported that their interviews comprised only current affairs questions. Some candidates even reported that they were asked questions pertaining to their academic background only. Interviews generally were 20-30 minutes long. IIM Shillong: Process: Group Discussion (Case study + Essay) + Personal InterviewGroup Discussion: Each group comprised 8-10 students. They were given a topic and the candidates were allotted 10 minutes to read the topic and write on it. This to pic was then discussed by the group for 15 minutes. The topics given were small cases which described certain scenarios. The candidates had to present their perspectives on the given case. The cases were quite general in nature. Some of the cases given to the candidates were ââ¬â ââ¬Å"A diamond necklace has been stolen fromjewellery store. There is no evidence. The security in-charge decides to pin the blame on the person who last handled the necklace.It was also pointed out that the accused had provided some fake data in his joining application form. Decide whether he can be expelled on that basis, with the charge of theft. â⬠, ââ¬Å"An automobile company had done whatever they could to ramp up the production like overtime, compensation increment etc. There was an employee aged around 30 who died on the floor of the factory. He had been doing overtime to get extra compensation for his family needs. Now the production manager wanted to increase the production owing to th e impending festival season.But the employees disagreed on grounds of the death, and demanded 200% increment in overtime compensation. What should the production manager do? â⬠Personal Interview: A panel, typically comprising three members, interviewed candidates. The panelists were reported to be very pleasant. The interviews generally focused on current affairs and the candidate's academic background. Questions on current affairs were asked in order to get the candidate's opinions on various issues and these opinions were then thoroughly discussed.At times, these questions were also based on the interest areas mentioned by candidates in their resume. A few candidates with prior work experience were also questioned in detail about the nature and technical aspect of their work. Some candidates were also asked ethical questions, like ââ¬Å"What is the difference between right and wrong? â⬠, ââ¬Å"Is it right for the pharma companies to give gifts to medical practitioners ? â⬠, etc. Interviews typically lasted for about 20 to 30 minutes. New IIMs Joint Process: Process: Essay Writing Task + Personal InterviewEssay Writing: For this task, candidates were allotted 20 minutes to write on the given topic and the word limit was 300 words. The topics given were very general in nature, like ââ¬â ââ¬Å"MBA, B. Tech are gearing up with the market. Are the courses like Literature, Sociology, etc. irrelevant in education today? Give your opinionâ⬠, ââ¬Å"What if a business chooses to focus on the bottom of the pyramid? Is innovation really necessary for the growth of a business? â⬠, ââ¬Å"Social networking strengthens relationships but also makes youngsters lonely. â⬠Personal Interview: Interviews were conducted after completion of the essay writing task. Candidates were interviewed by a panel of two members. The interviews were largely pleasant and stress-free. Different candidates were asked different kinds of questions; there was n o set pattern to the interviews. While some of the candidates with prior work experience were asked detailed questions pertaining to their experience, including details about their company; other candidates were primarily asked questions pertaining to their goals and ambitions.Questions such as how do subjects from your graduation help you in your job, etc. were also asked. Some candidates were also asked questions related to their academic background, their hobbies and even the effects of the most recent budget. FMS, Delhi: Process: Group Discussion + Extempore + Personal Interview Group Discussion: Group discussions typically lasted for about 14 minutes. Each group was given one minute to think before the discussion began and one minute to conclude the discussion. Every group comprised 10 to 15 candidates. The topics given to the candidates for discussion were general in nature.Some of them were ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Formal education stems the free spirit. â⬠, ââ¬Å"Should sting o perations be carried out? â⬠, ââ¬Å"Morals and values are on the decline in Indiaâ⬠. Extempore: The extempore was typically conducted at the start of the personal interview. Candidates were given their topic and 1 minute to speak on it. No preparation time was given. A stopwatch was kept on a table in front of the candidate so that he / she could keep a tab on the time. Topics allotted to the candidates were general in nature and many of them were given topics that were somewhat related to their work.For e.g. , a candidate, who had worked in the Oil and Gas sector, was given the topic ââ¬Å"Energy sector in Indiaâ⬠. Another candidate, who had work experience in the field of Data Analytics and had qualified for the Maths Olympiad, was asked to speak about ââ¬Å"Infinityâ⬠. Personal Interview:Typically, interviews were quite brief and continued for about 5 minutes. Most of them were conducted by a panel of three interviewers. The interviews were quite general in nature. Questions primarily dealt with current affairs and / or hobbies and interest areas mentioned by candidates in their forms.A few candidates reported that they were also queried about their ambitions and future plans. MDI, Gurgaon: Process: Group Discussion + Personal Interview Group Discussion: Typically, around 12 to 15 candidates participated in each group discussion and they were given around 15 minutes for the discussion. Additionally, 3 minutes were given to the group to think about the topic. At the end of every discussion, each candidate was asked to summarize what all had been discussed. Further, all the candidates were asked if they wanted to say something more on the topic.In some groups, candidates were also asked to write down a conclusion of the discussion at the end. Topics for the discussion were very general in nature, like ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Certainty of justice is more important than severity of punishment. â⬠, ââ¬Å"Does Reservation in Higher Education hamper the real purpose of Education? â⬠, ââ¬Å"Should religious teachings be taught in our schools to inculcate better values in students? â⬠Personal Interview: Generally, a panel consisting of two members interviewed the candidates while a few candidates reported that there was only one interviewer in their case.The average interview lasted for around 10 minutes. However, there were some students who reported that their interview went on for 30 minutes and some others said that theirs lasted hardly 5 minutes. The interviews were quite pleasant and were very general in nature. Candidates were typically queried about their opinions on various issues of current affairs. In many cases, candidates were also queried on the topic that was given to them for their group discussion. Candidates with work experience were also asked questions related to their job profile and the industry they were in.
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